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Outsourcing IT

Body leasing

If you need long-term supply of DevsPower specialists, then body leasing is a perfect form of cooperation for you. It enables our specialists to become members of your team and be engaged in any project. The job can be performed on the premises of your company or remotely.

Team outsourcing

If you need the whole team, then outsourcing is a solution for you. With DevsPower you will build a whole team that suits your needs. This form of cooperation offers much flexibility in terms of the implemented methodology of performance, the roles designated by the client or the organisation of work. All of these can be adjusted to a particular project.

Body leasing and Outsourcing with DevsPower - assets

Lacking competences and skills complementation
Elimination of the enduring and costly recruitment process
Avoiding costs related to hiring an employee
Elimination of the costs regarding equipping an employee
Specialists available within several days
Flexible cooperation dates

DevsPower specialists body leasing - this is how we work

The prospect of hiring specialists presenting required competences and experience and fitting a particular project is not only a desirable convenience, but also a serious responsibility in terms of choosing a company aimed at future cooperation. Let’s check our approach to this process:

1. Identification of your needs - data collection

What is of the utmost importance to us is a thorough understanding of your needs and expectations. Define the type of a worker as well as the key technologies and experience you are looking for, so that we can help you in the most effective way possible.

People working on notes during a meeting with laptops.
2. Presenting the offer

After the initial arrangement of perfect candidates, you will be presented the profiles of our specialists who will suit the vision of your project and your needs.

Graphic depicting team management with iconic human silhouettes against a background of a person in a suit.
3. Choosing specialists

The next step is talking to the candidates. If after running through several profiles you choose particular specialists, we encourage you to carry out individual conversations with them in order for you to ascertain they are the right choice.

Person in a suit selecting a specialist from a virtual team on a screen.
4. Deal

The candidate has been chosen! It’s time for formalities. At this stage we are establishing the terms on which we are going to cooperate - duration of the contract, job site, additional restrictions. We do realise how dynamic the IT industry is and this is why we are as flexible as possible.

Person working on a laptop and taking notes at a desk.
5. Inauguration of the cooperation

We are beginning our partnership. You can count on our support throughout the whole contract. We are open to feedback and appreciate opportunities for development. You can be sure that we will not leave you when in need.

Team working on a software project, analyzing code on a computer screen.


Do you have any question?

Tailored solutions are no secret to us. If you need a trustworthy partner - email us!
We will get back to you immediately

DEVS Sp. z o.o.

29/8 Święty Marcin Street, 61-806 Poznań, Poland







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